About Us

Salvia Paradise is a Czech family-run company founded in 2008 that specializes in the import and processing of herbs into plant-based preparations to support health and a healthy lifestyle.

Why work with Salvia Paradise?

Purchasing quality ingredients from growers

We always prefer to purchase herbs directly from growers and gathers in their native countries.

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BIO certification

We focus on ingredients from bioproduction and ecological farming. We purchase ingredients only from certified suppliers. Our manufacturing operations undergo regular inspection by the certification organization ABCERT AG.

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Multiple quality checks

The ingredients we purchase undergo stringent quality checks right from the very beginning in the selection process. We then subject them to additional inspection and store them under closely monitored conditions to ensure constant quality.

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Own manufacturing facilities

We process all ingredients in our own manufacturing facilities. In 2019, we built a new modern manufacturing hall equipped with the latest technologies.

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HACCP management system

Our products are manufactured in our own facilities in compliance with a HACCP management system, thanks to which we have complete and exacting control over the entire manufacturing process, from the procurement of ingredients to packaging and shipping of the finished products.


Wide range of uses

Our mission is to provide customers with quality natural products that support their health with a maximum content of active substances in easy-to-use form. Our catalogue offers vegan capsules with 100% herbal content, unique alcohol-free (AF) tinctures, herbal powders with a high content of active substances and excellent bioaccessibility, standardized extracts, and many other products.

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Continuous development

Our team of phytotherapists is constantly developing new products according to the latest scientific findings. We look forward to presenting you with our newest products.

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Our reward

Our reward is the satisfaction of our customers, who buy from us again and again and share their positive experiences with our products in online reviews.

Tento obrázek nemá vyplněný atribut alt; název souboru je panacek_ram.jpg.